Looking Back

3 Quarters In

This quarter my greatest challenge was finding the motivation to continue preforming to the greatest of my ability. At the beginning of the quarter I felt very overwhelmed with the college application process and began pouring my attention to universities. Eventually, I found myself finally ending the college process but never going back to my usual school routine. My procrastination eventually made me begin to start loosing my sleeping time because I decided to finish my assignments at the last minute. Once I started to see this routine affecting my grades I decided to go back to my old routine, where I would come home from school and immediately begin on my school work and then end the day by going to the gym. The plan work sometimes there were days that I would skip the school work and go straight to the gym but overall I decreased how much I was procrastinating. For the next quarter I really have to push myself to continue with my motivation and finish the year/high school career strong. To prevent any procrastination I will begin to set strict schedules and time frames that I must accomplish certain tasks within. I will also use my class time more wisely to decrease the amount of work that I have to do at home.


PHOTO BY: PAUL ROSS. This is a picture of my city in Colombia. I would love to learn more about my culture, my roots and where I come from. 

English During Quarter 3:

This quarter I learned a lot about culture and looking at pieces of literature through a critical culture lens. I learned how to properly read and interpret a graphic novel and how the author speaks through more than just the pictures, he speaks through the lighting, angles, and sequence of the images. I would like to learn another lens in which I can critically evaluate a text with. I would also like to expand on my presentation skills and learn other important rules to a successful presentation (besides not using PowerPoint). What makes a presentation great and captivate the audience?

Learning During Quarter 3:

The activity that was the most engaging and helpful for me were the class discussions after we had read a certain part of a novel. I think that by doing these discussions it forced everyone to read but it also allowed everyone to bring their own ideas and interpretations about the novel. I think any learning activity where the class is working together to share ideas and come up with new thoughts is the most effective. By doing this we can all put our thoughts together, learn other people’s, and form new ones. Based on the quiz, I am an Auditory learner. This means that I learn better by listening to other people, this leads me to think that the best way that I can learn is by paying close attention during class and participating a lot during class discussions.

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